About Us

Pickleball Training In Florida | Pickleball International

Bringing world-class pickleball camps, cruises, combines, and competitions to people of all ages around the globe.

What We Do

Pickleball Training Camps In Florida & Global

Pickleball Cruises Globally

Pickleball Competitions Globally

From Overseas To Florida KeysOur Background

In 1997, after a successful 10-year professional basketball playing career, Eric Dailey Sr. came back to Florida and founded Dailey Training International (DTI), an international basketball training organization with experience providing world-class training to athletes at all skill levels and age groups from amateur to NBA & WNBA. From humble beginnings in Bradenton, Florida to the big city of Hong Kong, DTI has immersed itself culturally on basketball courts all over the world. Its transnational platform has attracted competitive teams and players from Australia, Colombia, Panama, India, Italy, France, Spain, Hong Kong, Brazil, Great Britain, Trinidad & Tobago, Canada, and Japan.

In 2022 on Thanksgiving day, Dailey picked up the game of pickleball by chance. Having a strong background in ping pong, after the first day of playing, he found out that the game was so similar to ping pong and found joy in playing a team sport again after being a former professional basketball player. Having good footwork and soft touch with great hand-eye coordination he quickly became an advanced Pickleball player. Strategies were easy for him to pick up as the game is much similar to ping-pong, in which he has a strong background. Being an international businessman and entrenched in the sports travel, industry, Pickleball International was born.

Having a passion for travel and platforms around the world to produce events, Pickleball International took form.

Pickleball Training In Florida | Pickleball International

Our Trainers

Kamila Abreu

Pedro Penteado

USA Ambassador and Pickleball player development specialist
4.87 DUPR Rated Royal Pickleball Sponsored Tournament Player PPR (Pickleball Pro Registry) Certified Pro Instructor 2022 Florida Open Men’s Doubles Gold Medalist 2022 World Pickleball Open Men’s Doubles Silver Medalist 2023 World Pickleball Tour...
Kamila Abreu

Jay Jaudon

USA Ambassador and Pickleball player development specialist
5.4 DUPR Rated CRBN Sponsored Tournament Player US Open Gold Medalist USA Diamond Championships Gold Medalist USA Pickleball Indoor Nationals Silver Medalist 7 years IPTPA Level 2 certified Professional instructor and 6 years PPR Professional Instruc...
Kamila Abreu

Flona Edwards

UK and European Ambassador/ Pickleball player development specialist
DUPR 4.38 rated player, IPTPA certified level 1 Pickleball Coach, discovered pickleball summer 2021 with the background of being a self-employed LTA accredited level 2 coach for 15 years. Founder and Director of Pickleball Central UK Ltd, the premier...
Kamila Abreu

Susan Shoe

Director of Pickleball operations
Susan Shoe resides in Palmetto, Florida with two rescue dogs Twix and Chevy. Originally from South Dakota, Susan retired as the State Command Sergeant Major for the South Dakota Army National Guard in 2015 after 26 years of service. She moved to Flor...
Kamila Abreu

Jennifer Hukill  

Fitness Professional
Jennifer is a former collegiate athlete, graduating from NCCU In 2009, with a bachelor of science degree in Physical Education with a minor in Fitness and Wellness . With 15+ years experience in the fitness Industry, Jennifer has made a mark on the N...
Kamila Abreu


VP of Pickleball Cruises
Head Pro — Founder/CEO Southern Tier Pickleball Academies. IPTPA Director – MTP (Master Teaching Professional) — CPTP (Certified Pickleball Teaching Professional) Level 1 & Level 2 — CRS (Certified Rating Specialist) Level 4 & Lev...
Kamila Abreu

Mike Sliwa

Host of the Senior Pickleball Report channel/podcast
Mike Sliwa is the host of the Senior Pickleball Report channel/podcast. SPR promotes and works alongside both amateur and professional senior (50+) pickleball organizations, tours and leagues. He is the narrator in an upcoming Hollywood pickleball do...
Pickleball Training In Florida | Pickleball International

American-Based, Internationally Renowned Training For Pickleball In Florida

We are proudly based in the great American state of Florida in the city of Bradenton. Florida is where we operate most of our camps and competitions, and where our cruises set sail. But across the country and around the world, we bring our AAU affiliation to its true test. Florida cities in which our pickleball programs are most prominent include Bradenton, Orlando, Fort Lauderdale, Boca Raton, Miami, and Tampa Bay.

Have questions about our international operations?

Pickleball International Has Partnered With:

Alongside our international network of sport organizations, we work with a range of partners who like us, are passionate about pickleball development in the United States of America and around the world. Through matching programs and sponsorship opportunities, we look for ways to help our partners contribute – combining interests and goals with global pickleball development.

Contact us to learn more about how to get involved.